Viro The Environmentalist
One controversy surrounding NFTs is that they require massive amounts of electricity due to the system in which they are stored and traded. This has brought many concerned environmentalists to the space. Viro is one representative environmentalist who happens to be stuck in this collection, trying to spread awareness and prevent people from purchasing these ‘NFTs’
Meh The Apathetic
Meh represents the population of people who are uninterested in NFTs, not bothered to learn or be a part of the space, and definitely not impressed by any of its attractions. Meh is just minding their own business and wants to stay out of it and away from the attention.
Fab The Influencer
Fab is a self-obsessed influencer who wants to be the center of attention and seeks the validation of buyers, perhaps representing those who are determined to go viral and make a name for themselves. Having the spotlight is exciting!
Noob The Clueless
Quite obviously, Noob, which also happens to be an NFT term for ‘newbie’, is just hearing about this space and is (almost) completely lost in it. Although Noob is very stimulated and excited by what they’re seeing, there are many terms and ideas they’re unable to wrap their head around.
Janus The Artist
Janus, short for Janus-faced, is a digital artist who is conflicted with two contrasting opinions about NFTs. On one end, they’re excited to finally have a space to be recognized and benefit from this new model of ownership. On the other end, there’s is the doubt about whether NFT art (crypto art) can be defined as ‘art’ or if it’s just feeding into a consumer society as a mere commodity.